Maintaining Caution Whether Vaccinated or Not 

Going Back to normal doesn’t mean we have to forget the pandemic happened.  Are we going Back to the normal we had? or should we treat this new norm as our actual reality? Despite this, we should still continue to maintain caution. 


6 FEET APART still applies 

Whether vaccinated or not, maintaining some level of social distancing is essential to keep yourself and others safe. Not everyone is vaccinated nor believes in the vaccine, so being cautious is crucial. It is still uncertain whether or not a vaccinated person can spread the virus, as mentioned here. So, protect yourself to protect others.

Take Your Vitamins

Above all, health and nutrition is essential to helping you build your immunity. The HealthLine suggests regular intake of Vitamins D, C, Zinc, Elderberry and Medicinal Mushrooms to boost your immune system, for a full list of recommendations, you can refer to the article here

Although taking vitamins is crucial, following prevention measures such as keeping regular hygiene and social distancing is our regular norm. Hence no supplements can cure or prevent Covid 19 since there is no sufficient research to support this claim. So, taking care of yourself and building your immunity can put you in a better condition to fight the virus.

Get Tested

Just like other well known viruses such as HIV/AIDS, flu etc, regular testing is crucial. This can also help to drive down the spread of the virus, hence the more we are aware of our status then we are able to follow precautionary measures.